The essence of charity in the religious sphere

Mon Jan 16 2023, Pratigya Rijal

The merciful Lord is equally accessible to all people, even though there are differences among different people and classes in the society due to religion, caste, creed, gender, economic status and disability. He wants his children to equally treat those deprived of human rights. God wants those who have the ability to obtain food, cloth and shelter to create opportunities for those who have least ability to obtain them.

Persons with disabilities are at the forefront of the least accessible. Have we ever thought about the difference between the life God wants for them and the life experience they have to face because of our behavior towards them? Of course not, because we have access and we are not persons with disabilities either.

Ask yourself a question, do you think entrepreneurs should provide employment opportunities for people with disabilities to lead a sustainable quality of life or provide a little cash to end one day's hunger? What does a loving God want? How have we understood the meaning of charity? Is charity just about providing money or good food for a day? The essence of charity depends entirely on our ability to give.

Jesus sat down opposite the place where the offerings were put and watched the crowd putting their money into the temple treasury. Many rich people threw in large amounts. But a poor widow came and put in two very small copper coins, worth only a few cents.

Calling his disciples to him, Jesus said, “Truly I tell you, this poor widow has put more into the treasury than all the others. They all gave out of their wealth; but she, out of her poverty, put in everything—all she had to live on.”

Those who do not have the ability to create opportunities for others would be virtuous to cut their share and provide food to those who are deprived of food, but those who can create opportunities should provide opportunities, this is his responsibility determined by the Lord.

As we truly approach the end of life, we do not measure our achievements in terms of wealth, high lifestyle, prestige, and fame, we review our lives based on our relationships with each and every person we meet, our genuine efforts for the upliftment of humanity. This life-review process does not differentiate between the poor and the rich, those with or without disabilities, because, as mentioned earlier, the achievement of life at that point is not through wealth, high lifestyle, prestige and fame.

So, let's remember the marginalized people today, especially persons with disabilities, let's be accessible to them, let's make our hearts, homes, workplaces, places of worship accessible, give them access to employment. As a result of translation from the old and original religious scriptures, some languages we use in them are offensive to marginalized and disabled people. Let's update the languages based on todays need without altering the essence of the scriptures. If people are the image of God based on their moral, spiritual and intellectual nature, then heaven should not only a barrier-free safe place for persons with disabilities, it is our duty to make this planet, which He has given as a gift, a barrier-free safe place.

Let’s pray – Spiritual nourishment of mind and soul is not enough for any man. As long as a person has to struggle to survive physically, he cannot fully surrender himself to God. May we all understand our contribution and responsibility towards disabled people so that their quality of life can be improved permanently, and they can give their whole mind, soul and body to God. May we give wings of opportunity to people with disabilities so that they can fly beyond imagination and one day they too can create opportunities for those in need.

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