
Overcoming Challenges: Empowering Persons Affected by Leprosy in Employment and Self-Employment Opportunities 

Overcoming Challenges: Empowering Persons Affected by Leprosy in Employment and Self-Employment Opportunities 

✍️The Voice   Overcoming Challenges: Empowering Persons Affected by Leprosy in Employment and Self-Employment Opportunities          Leprosy, a disease that has long been shrouded in stigma and misunderstanding, continues to create challenges for persons affected by leprosy. Despite medical advancements and the availability of effective treatments, the perception of leprosy in society...

Thu Sep 07 2023

The essence of charity in the religious sphere

The essence of charity in the religious sphere

The merciful Lord is equally accessible to all people, even though there are differences among different people and classes in the society due to religion, caste, creed, gender, economic status and disability. He wants his children to equally treat those deprived of human rights. God wants those who have the...

Mon Jan 16 2023

Effective Communication and Safeguarding Matrix for Persons with Disabilities - An employer's guide

Effective Communication and Safeguarding Matrix for Persons with Disabilities - An employer's guide

10 types of disability declared by GoN -->  Includes Leprosy Visual Disabilities Hearing Disabilities Deafblind Disability related to voice and speech Mental or psycho-social disability Intellectual disability (learning disability) Disability associated with haemophilia Disability associated with autism Multiple disability Physical disability Total Blind Low Vision Deaf Hard of hearing Language...

Fri Nov 25 2022

Disability Confident Employer Movement

Disability Confident Employer Movement

While recruitment of the right workforce has always been the major concern for organizational sustainability in the current job market, the struggle to acquire competitive positions in well-established organizations has been another extraordinary obligation for youths. In this context, the access of marginalized people to the job market has become...

Wed Aug 24 2022

Successes and areas for improvement following initial interventions with persons with disabilities

Successes and areas for improvement following initial interventions with persons with disabilities

Project Background: Fueling Opportunities to end Unemployment for Nepalis with Disabilities (FOUND) project aims to reduce the disability employment gap in Nepal substantially by improving employability skills and self-confidence of persons with disabilities, pilot inclusive job search and hiring practices of employers by improving their knowledge and confidence and collate...

Wed Aug 03 2022

The project breaking down barriers to employment for disabled people in Nepal

The project breaking down barriers to employment for disabled people in Nepal

In the UK, with the Equality Act in place and a greater understanding of the issues they face, disabled people still encounter many barriers in the workplace. But in Nepal, the situation is more difficult. It was these barriers that we were looking to overcome as we launched a new...

Mon Aug 01 2022

Inclusive Job Logo

Full and productive employment and decent work for all women and men, including for young people and persons with disabilities, and equal pay for work of equal value.


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Contact Details

Location: Lalitpur - 14, Talchikhel Road, Lalitpur 44700 (Opposite of Pinnacle Academy)
Phone Number: 01-5152159
Post Box Number : 151